
  • If you need help or want to get updates on new features, please join the support server.

  • If a command parameter contains spaces, add quotes: "he llo". Parameters marked ... need no quotes.

  • Click on a command to see usage.

Help out with hosting costs

Quick navigation

Bot – Help and bot-related commands.

Schedule – Helps with tracking upcoming events – please check out the guide. – Show others what you're listening to.

Spotify – Show others what you're listening to on Spotify.

Daum Cafe – Daum Cafe feeds, including private boards.

YouTube – Tracks your artist's comeback stats on YouTube.

Notifications – Notifies you when someone mentions a specific word.

Translator – Lets you translate between languages.

Starboard – Reposts the best messages as voted by users into specified channels.

Polls – Public polls and surveys.

Reactions – Automatic reactions to messages and custom commands.

Raid protection – Protect your server against raiders.

Greet & bye – Greet & bye messages.

Autoroles – Give roles to all members automatically.

Roles – Let users choose their own roles – please check out the guide.

Mod – Helps with server administration.

Log – Provides logging of server events.

Info – Shows various info about users and servers.


Help and bot-related commands.

help – Prints usage info.

>help [Command...]

Command ‒ optional; show usage of a specific command

>help event add

prefix – Change the command prefix on your server.

>prefix Prefix

Prefix ‒ the new command prefix (default is >)
Also as prefix set

supporters – See the people who help keep this bot up and running.


about – Shows information about the bot.


feedback – Suggest a modification or report an issue.

>feedback Message...

invite – Shows a link to invite the bot to your server.



Helps with tracking upcoming events – please check out the guide.

schedule – Shows upcoming events.

>schedule [Tag...]

Tag ‒ optional; use to display events with this tag; type all to view all events

schedule set style – Switches between display styles.

>schedule set style EventFormat...

EventFormat ‒ style of event formatting

Changes how your schedule messages and the schedule command output look.

Event formatting styles:
Default - embed with each event on a new line:
[10/06 | 13:00] Event

KoreanDate - default with korean date formatting:
[181006 | 13:00] Event

MonthName - default with an abbreviated month name:
[Oct 06 | 13:00] Event

If you have an idea for a style that isn't listed here, please make a suggestion on the support server or use the feedback command!

>schedule set style KoreanDate

schedule set manager – Sets an optional role that allows users to edit the schedule.

>schedule set manager [RoleNameOrID...]

Users with this role will be able to edit the schedule, in addition to users with the Manage Messages privilege.

Use without parameters to disable.

schedule set notifications – Sets a channel for event notifications.

>schedule set notifications [Tag] Channel [RoleNameOrID...]

Tag ‒ optional; use if you want to setup notifications for tagged events; use all to notify for all events, regardless of tags
Channel ‒ a channel the notifications will be posted to
RoleNameOrID ‒ optional; use to ping a specific role with the notifications

Only one notification setting can be active per tag.

schedule reset notifications – Resets event notifications.

>schedule reset notifications [Tag...]

Tag ‒ optional; reset notifications for events with this tag; omit to reset notifications for untagged events
Also as schedule reset notification

schedule set timezone – Changes the schedule's timezone.

>schedule set timezone Offset [Name...]

Offset ‒ the timezone's offset from UTC (eg. UTC-5 or UTC+12:30)
Name ‒ optional; you can specify a custom name for the timezone (e.g. to show KST instead of UTC+9)

The default timezone is KST (UTC+9). The times of existing events will stay correct (recalculated to the new timezone).

>schedule set timezone UTC-5
>schedule set timezone UTC+12:30

Also as schedule set time zone

schedule set length – Sets the number of events displayed by the schedule command.

>schedule set length MaxEvents

MaxEvents ‒ maximum number of events to display when using the schedule command; default is 15

>schedule set length 10

schedule rename tag – Renames a tag for all events and calendars.

>schedule rename tag CurrentTag NewTag

CurrentTag ‒ the current tag name
NewTag ‒ the new tag name; use none to remove tags instead

>schedule rename tag birthday bday
>schedule rename tag birthday none

schedule export – Exports all events into a text file.

>schedule export

Events are the content of your schedule.

event add – Adds an event to schedule.

>event add [Tag] Date [Time] [Link] Description...

Tag ‒ optional; use if you want to have calendars which display only events with specific tags
Date ‒ date in MM/dd or yyyy/MM/dd format (e.g. 07/23 or 2018/07/23), uses current year by default
Time ‒ optional; time in HH:mm format (eg. 08:45); skip if the time is unknown
Link ‒ optional; web link to make the event clickable
Description ‒ event description

The default timezone is KST (can be changed with schedule set timezone).

>event add 07/23 08:45 Concert
>event add 07/23 Fansign
>event add 2019/01/23 Festival
>event add 03/22 V Live broadcast
>event add birthday 02/21 00:00 Solar's birthday

Also as events add

event add notify – Adds a notified event to schedule.

>event add notify [Tag] Date [Time] [Link] Description...

Tag ‒ optional; use if you want to have calendars which display only events with specific tags
Date ‒ date in MM/dd or yyyy/MM/dd format (e.g. 07/23 or 2018/07/23), uses current year by default
Time ‒ optional; time in HH:mm format (eg. 08:45); skip if the time is unknown
Link ‒ optional; web link to make the event clickable
Description ‒ event description

When events added with this command begin, it will get announced in the channel set by schedule set notifications.
The default timezone is KST (can be changed with schedule set timezone).

>event add notify 07/23 08:45 Concert
>event add notify 07/23 Fansign
>event add notify 2019/01/23 Festival
>event add notify 03/22 V Live broadcast
>event add notify birthday 02/21 00:00 Solar's birthday

Also as event notify, events add notify or events notify

event remove – Removes an event from schedule, by ID or search.

>event remove IdOrSearchString...

IdOrSearchString ‒ the event's ID or a part of description (you will be asked to choose one if multiple events match the description)

>event remove 13
>event remove Osaka concert

Also as events remove

event edit – Edits an event in schedule.

>event edit EventId [Notification] [Date] [Time] [Link] [Description...]

EventId ‒ ID of the event to edit (shown when an event is added or in event search and event list)
Notification ‒ optional; enter notify to make this a notified event or silence to make it a regular event
Date ‒ optional; new date in MM/dd or yyyy/MM/dd format (e.g. 07/23 or 2018/07/23), uses current year by default
Time ‒ optional; new time in HH:mm format (eg. 08:45); use ??:?? to specify an unknown time
Link ‒ optional; web link to make the event clickable; put nolink to remove a link
Description ‒ optional; new event description

All parameters are optional – you can specify just the parts you wish to be edited (date, time, link, and/or description). The parts you leave out will stay the same.

>event edit 5 08:45
>event edit 13 07/23 18:00 Fansign
>event edit 25 22:00 Festival

Also as events edit

event tag – Tags an event.

>event tag EventId Tag...

EventId ‒ ID of the event to tag (shown when an event is added or in event search and event list)
Tag ‒ the tag; use none to remove a tag

Tagged events only appear in calendars that were created for that tag.
With the schedule command, tagged events appear only if the tag is specified (e.g. with schedule ) or with schedule all.

>event tag 5 birthday
>event tag 31 none

Also as events tag

event batch – Perform multiple event add/remove/edit/tag operations at once.

>event batch Batch...

Batch ‒ a batch of add/remove/edit/tag commands to be executed in order; please see the example

To see the syntax for the individual commands, please see their respective help sections (event add, event remove, event edit, and event tag).

>event batch
add 07/23 08:45 Concert
remove 4th anniversary celebration
edit 4 8:15
add birthday 02/21 00:00 Solar's birthday

Also as events batch

event search – Searches for events and shows their IDs.

>event search SearchString...

SearchString ‒ a part of event's description; finds all events containing this string

>event search Osaka
Also as events search

event list – Lists all events in a specified month.

>event list Month [Year]

Month ‒ list events from this month (use english month name or number)
Year ‒ optional; the month's year, uses current year by default

>event list February
>event list Feb
>event list Mar 2019

Also as events list

Calendars are automatically updated messages which display parts of the schedule.

calendar create – Creates a permanent message to display events.

>calendar create [Tag] Channel FromDate [ToDate]

Tag ‒ optional; display only events marked with this tag; if omitted, displays only untagged events; specify all to display all events, regardless of tags
Channel ‒ target channel
FromDate ‒ display events from this date onward (inclusive); date in MM/dd or yyyy/MM/dd format (e.g. 07/23 or 2018/07/23), uses current year by default
ToDate ‒ optional; display only events up to this this date (inclusive)

>calendar create #schedule 08/01 08/14
>calendar create #schedule 2018/01/01
>calendar create birthday #schedule 2018/01/01 2018/12/31

calendar create month – Creates a permanent message to display events in a specific month.

>calendar create month [Tag] Channel Month [Year]

Tag ‒ optional; display only events marked with this tag; if omitted, displays only untagged events; specify all to display all events, regardless of tags
Channel ‒ target channel
Month ‒ display only events taking place in this month (eg. January)
Year ‒ optional; the month's year, uses current year by default

>calendar create month #schedule February
>calendar create month #schedule Jan 2019
>calendar create month birthday #schedule March

calendar create upcoming – Creates a permanent message to display only upcoming events.

>calendar create upcoming [Tag] Channel [Days]

Tag ‒ optional; display only events marked with this tag; if omitted, displays only untagged events; specify all to display all events, regardless of tags
Channel ‒ target channel
Days ‒ optional; display events up to this many days in the future; if ommited, displays as many as possible

This calendar gets automatically updated every day at 0:00 (in your schedule's timezone) to show only events happening from that day onwards.

>calendar create upcoming #schedule
>calendar create upcoming #schedule 14
>calendar create upcoming birthday #schedule

calendar create upcoming week – Creates a permanent message to display events in the next 7 days.

>calendar create upcoming week [Tag] Channel

Tag ‒ optional; display only events marked with this tag; if omitted, displays only untagged events; specify all to display all events, regardless of tags
Channel ‒ target channel

This calendar gets automatically updated every day at 0:00 (in your schedule's timezone).

>calendar create upcoming week #schedule
>calendar create upcoming week birthday #schedule

calendar set begin – Moves the begin date of a calendar.

>calendar set begin MessageId Date

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
Date ‒ display events from this date onward (inclusive); date in MM/dd or yyyy/MM/dd format (e.g. 07/23 or 2018/07/23), uses current year by default

>calendar set begin 462366629247057930 12/01

calendar set end – Moves the end date of a calendar.

>calendar set end MessageId Date

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
Date ‒ display only events up to this this date (inclusive); date in MM/dd or yyyy/MM/dd format (e.g. 07/23 or 2018/07/23), uses current year by default

>calendar set end 462366629247057930 03/31

calendar set month – Sets an existing calendar to display a different month.

>calendar set month MessageId Month [Year]

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
Month ‒ display only events taking place in this month (eg. January)
Year ‒ optional; the month's year, uses current year by default

>calendar set month 462366629247057930 February
>calendar set month 462366629247057930 Jan 2019

calendar set title – Sets a custom title for a calendar.

>calendar set title MessageId Title...

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
Title ‒ new header

>calendar set title 462366629247057930 A special calendar

calendar set footer – Sets a custom footer for a calendar.

>calendar set footer MessageId Footer...

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
Footer ‒ new footer

Not recommended for calendars created with calendar create upcoming, as they have footers with useful dynamic information.

>calendar set footer 462366629247057930 A new footer

calendar set tag – Makes a calendar display only events with a specific tag.

>calendar set tag MessageId [Tag...]

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
Tag ‒ optional; display only events marked with this tag; if omitted, displays only untagged events; specify all to display all events, regardless of tags

>calendar set tag 462366629247057930 birthday
>calendar set tag 462366629247057930
>calendar set tag 462366629247057930 all

calendar list – Lists all active calendars on this server.

>calendar list
Also as calendars list

calendar split – Splits a calendar in two by a given date.

>calendar split MessageId Date

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
Date ‒ a date in MM/dd or yyyy/MM/dd format (e.g. 07/23 or 2018/07/23), uses current year by default

The calendar will be split in two. All events before the provided date will stay in the old calendar. All events from the provided date onwards (inclusive) will be displayed in a new calendar which will be created.

>calendar split 462366629247057930 12/15

calendar swap – Swaps two calendars.

>calendar swap FirstMessageId SecondMessageId

FirstMessageId ‒ message ID of the first calendar; use calendar list to see all active calendars and their IDs
SecondMessageId ‒ message ID of the second calendar

All properties and events of these two calendars will be swapped. Useful for reordering calendars in a #schedule channel.

>calendar swap 462366629247057930 524282594225815562
Also as calendars swap

calendar delete – Deletes a calendar.

>calendar delete MessageId

MessageId ‒ message ID of the calendar; use calendar list to display all active calendars and their message IDs

Deleting a calendar doesn't delete any events.

Show others what you're listening to.

lf np – Shows what song you or someone else is currently playing on

>lf np [User...]

User ‒ optional; the user (mention, ID or username); uses your if omitted

Also shows the song's position among user's top 100 listened tracks.
Also as lf or np

lf np spotify – Searches and posts a Spotify link to what you're currently listening.

>lf np spotify [User...]

User ‒ optional; the user (mention, ID or username); uses your if omitted
Also as np spotify or lf spotify

lf compare – Checks how compatible your music taste is with someone else.

>lf compare [Period] User

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are day, week, month, 3months, 6months, year (default) and all
User ‒ the other user (mention, ID or username)

If you choose a short time period, there might not be enough data to get meaningful results.
Also as lf cmp or lf compatibility

lf recent – Shows user's recently played songs.

>lf recent [User]

User ‒ optional; the user (mention, ID or username); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as lf rc

lf top artists – Shows user's top artists.

>lf top artists [Period] [User]

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are day, week, month, 3months, 6months, year, and all (default)
User ‒ optional; the user (mention, ID or username); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as lf ta or lf artists

lf top albums – Shows user's top albums.

>lf top albums [Period] [User]

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are day, week, month, 3months, 6months, year, and all (default)
User ‒ optional; the user (mention, ID or username); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as lf tal or albums

lf top tracks – Shows user's top tracks.

>lf top tracks [Period] [User]

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are day, week, month, 3months, 6months, year, and all (default)
User ‒ optional; the user (mention, ID or username); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as lf tt, lf tracks or lf ts

lf artist – Shows your favorite tracks and albums from a specific artist.

>lf artist [Period] [User] Artist...

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are week, month, 3months, 6months, year, and all (default)
User ‒ optional; user (mention or ID); shows your own stats if omitted
Artist ‒ the artist's name on (make sure you have the correct spelling)
Also as lf ar

lf set – Saves your username on

>lf set Username...

Username ‒ your username

Can be used in a direct message. Your username will be saved across servers.

lf set anonymous – Saves your username on, without revealing it to others.

>lf set anonymous Username...

Username ‒ your username

Can be used in a direct message. Your username will be saved across servers.
Commands won't include your username or link to your profile.

lf reset – Deletes your saved username.

>lf reset

Can be used in a direct message.


Show others what you're listening to on Spotify.

sf np – Shows a user's currently playing song.

>sf np [User]

User ‒ optional; the user (mention or ID); shows your own stats if omitted

Use sf np detail to see an analysis of this track.
Also as sf

sf np detail – Shows a user's currently playing song with an analysis.

>sf np detail [User]

User ‒ optional; the user (mention or ID); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as sf detail

sf track – Shows track info and analysis.

>sf track Track...

Track ‒ name or Spotify URI/Link of the track

>sf track Laboum Between Us
>sf track spotify:track:5crqbWLP7Jb0s86hnm0XDA
>sf track

sf stats – Shows user's listening stats and habits.

>sf stats [Period] [User]

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are month, 6months, all (default)
User ‒ optional; the user (mention or ID); shows your own stats if omitted

sf recent – Shows user's recently played songs.

>sf recent [User]

User ‒ optional; the user (mention or ID); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as sf rc

sf top artists – Shows user's top artists.

>sf top artists [Period] [User]

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are month, 6months, all (default)
User ‒ optional; the user (mention or ID); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as sf ta or sf artists

sf top tracks – Shows user's top tracks.

>sf top tracks [Period] [User]

Period ‒ optional; how far back to check; available values are month, 6months, all (default)
User ‒ optional; the user (mention or ID); shows your own stats if omitted
Also as sf tt, sf tracks or sf ts

sf reset – Disconnect your Spotify account.

>sf reset
Also as sf disconnect

Daum Cafe

Daum Cafe feeds, including private boards.

cafe add – Adds a Daum Cafe board feed.

>cafe add BoardSectionLink Channel [CredentialId]

BoardSectionLink ‒ link to a Daum Cafe board section (either a comment board or a forum board), ex.
Channel ‒ channel or thread that will receive the updates
CredentialId ‒ optional; credentials to an account that can view this board (see the credentials commands on how to add a credential)

You will not get post previews for level restricted boards unless you add a credential. But if the board is public, the bot will still update with links to new posts.
Currently only Daum accounts are supported.

cafe remove – Removes a Daum Cafe board feed.

>cafe remove FeedId

FeedId ‒ a feed ID, use cafe list to see IDs of all active feeds

cafe clear – Removes all feeds.

>cafe clear

cafe list – Lists all active Daum Cafe board feeds.

>cafe list

To access private boards, the bot requires a Daum account.

cafe credential add – Saves a credential. Direct message only.

>cafe credential add Login Password Description

Description ‒ type anything for you to recognize these credentials later

Your credentials are stored securely and retrieved by the bot only when necessary.

Also as cafe credentials add

cafe credential remove – Removes a saved credential.

>cafe credential remove CredentialId
Also as cafe credentials remove

cafe credential clear – Removes all your saved credentials.

>cafe credential clear
Also as cafe credentials clear

cafe credential list – Lists all your saved credentials.

>cafe credential list
Also as cafe credentials list


Tracks your artist's stats on YouTube.

views – Checks how your artist's songs are doing on YouTube. Songs are added by server moderators.

>views [SongOrCategoryName...]

SongOrCategoryName ‒ optional; show stats for this category or for a specific song

Use without parameters to view songs from the default category.
Use all to view all songs regardless of category.

views add – Adds a song.

>views add [CategoryName] SongName [Links]

CategoryName ‒ optional; if you add a song to a category, its stats will be displayed with views CategoryName
SongName ‒ name of the song
Links ‒ optional; one or more YouTube links (stats from multiple uploads get added together)

views remove – Removes a song.

>views remove [CategoryName] SongName...

CategoryName ‒ optional; specify to remove a song from a specific category, omit to remove it from the default category
SongName ‒ name of the song

views clear – Removes all songs.

>views clear [CategoryName...]

CategoryName ‒ optional; specify to remove all songs in a specific category, omit to remove the default category

views rename – Renames a song.

>views rename OldName NewName

views move – Moves all songs from one category to another.

>views move OldName NewName

OldName ‒ current category
NewName ‒ new category

Use default to move songs from/to the default category.

views list – Lists all added songs.

>views list


Get notified when anyone mentions a specific word.

notifications add – Adds one or more words for which you want to receive notifications.

>notifications add [Keywords]

Keywords ‒ optional; one or more words that will trigger notifications
Also as notification add, notif add or noti add

notifications remove – Removes a notified word.

>notifications remove Keyword...

Keyword ‒ a word you don't want to be notified for anymore
Also as notification remove, notif remove or noti remove

notifications clear – Removes all notified words on this server.

>notifications clear
Also as notification clear, notif clear or noti clear

notifications pause – Disables all notifications on this server until you turn them back on.

>notifications pause
Also as notification pause, notif pause or noti pause

notifications resume – Turns paused notifications back on.

>notifications resume
Also as notifications unpause, notification resume, notification unpause, notif resume, notif unpause, noti resume or noti unpause

notifications block – Blocks a person from triggering your notifications.

>notifications block User

User ‒ a user ID or a mention

You will not get notifications for any messages from a blocked person.
This command can be used in a DM. See [this guide]( if you don't know how to find the user ID.

Also as notification block, notif block or noti block

notifications unblock – Unblocks a person.

>notifications unblock User

User ‒ a user ID or a mention

This command can be used in a DM. You will receive notifications for messages from this person again.

Also as notification unblock, notif unblock or noti unblock

notifications list – Lists all your notified words on this server.

>notifications list

Sends a direct message.

Also as notification list, notif list or noti list

notifications ignore channel – Ignore messages in this channel or thread for notifications. Use again to un-ignore.

>notifications ignore channel
Also as notification ignore channel, notif ignore channel or noti ignore channel

notifications ignore active channel – Skip notifications from channels that you're currently active in.

>notifications ignore active channel

All notifications will be delayed by a small amount. If a keyword is mentioned and you start typing a response before the notification arrives, you won't be notified.
Use this command again to disable.

Also as notification ignore active channel, notif ignore active channel or noti ignore active channel

notifications opt out – Messages you send will not trigger anyone's notifications.

>notifications opt out

Use this command again to opt back in.
This applies to all servers. Keep in mind that when you opt out, you won't receive any notifications either.

Also as notification opt out, notif opt out or noti opt out


Lets you translate between languages.

translate – Translates a piece of text.

>translate From To Message...

From ‒ the language of the message
To ‒ the language to translate into
Message ‒ the word or sentence you want to translate

Korean = ko
Japan = ja
English = en
Chinese(Simplified) = zh-CH
Chinese(Traditional) = zh-TW
Spanish = es
French = fr
German = de
Russian = ru
Portuguese = pt
Italian = it
Vietnamese = vi
Thai = th
Indonesian = id

>translate ko en 사랑해
Also as tr or 번역


Reposts the best messages as voted by users into specified channels.

starboard add – Sets up a new starboard.

>starboard add Channel...

Channel ‒ a channel that will receive the starred messages

The bot will repost messages that were reacted to with a chosen emoji (:star: by default) to this channel.

A user can't star their own messages unless you allow it with starboard set rule.

starboard set style – Sets the style for the starboard (embed or text).

>starboard set style StarboardID Style

StarboardID ‒ ID of the starboard, use starboard list to see all active starboards and their IDs
Style ‒ use embed or text

embed - compact + allows you to jump to the original message
text - better for media (multiple images, playable videos, etc.)

starboard set emoji – Sets one or more custom emoji for a starboard.

>starboard set emoji StarboardID Emojis

StarboardID ‒ ID of the starboard, use starboard list to see all active starboards and their IDs
Emojis ‒ one or more emojis that will be used to star messages instead of the default :star: emoji; the first emoji will be the main one

starboard set threshold – Sets the minimum reactions for a starboard.

>starboard set threshold StarboardID Threshold

StarboardID ‒ ID of the starboard, use starboard list to see all active starboards and their IDs
Threshold ‒ sets how many reactions a message must have to get reposted in the starboard channel

starboard set channels – Sets which channels belong to this starboard.

>starboard set channels StarboardID [Channels]

StarboardID ‒ ID of the starboard, use starboard list to see all active starboards and their IDs
Channels ‒ optional; one or more channels

The bot will look only in these channels for starred messages (for this particular starboard). Omit the Channels parameter to accept all channels.

starboard set rule – Sets the rules for a starboard, e.g. to allow self-stars.

>starboard set rule StarboardID Rule Setting

StarboardID ‒ ID of the starboard, use starboard list to see all active starboards and their IDs
Rule ‒ the rule (see below)
Setting ‒ the rule setting: yes or no

SelfStars - allow users to star their own messages
KeepUnstarred - don't delete reposts that fall below the star treshold
KeepDeleted - don't delete reposts if the original message gets deleted

>starboard set rule 2 SelfStars yes

starboard list – Lists all active starboards.

>starboard list

starboard remove – Disables a starboard.

>starboard remove StarboardID

StarboardID ‒ ID of the starboard, use starboard list to see all active starboards and their IDs

The bot will not delete the starboard channel, but the reaction data will be lost.

starboard ranking – Shows which users have received the most stars.

>starboard ranking

starboard top – Shows the top ranked messages.

>starboard top

starboard remove message – Removes one of your own messages from starboard.

>starboard remove message Message

Message ‒ ID or link to the starboard message (the repost in starboard, not the original message)

You can only remove your own messages. To get a message link, right click the message and select Copy Message Link.


Public polls and surveys.

poll – Starts a poll.

>poll [anonymous] [Channel] Question Answer1 Answer2 [MoreAnswers]

anonymous ‒ optional; hide the answers
Channel ‒ optional; channel where the poll will take place, uses this channel by default
Question ‒ poll question
Answer1 ‒ first answer
Answer2 ‒ second answer
MoreAnswers ‒ optional; more answers

>poll #main-chat "Is hotdog a sandwich?" Yes No
>poll anonymous "Favourite era?" Hello "Piano man" "Pink Funky" Melting

Also as poll start

poll end – Ends a poll and announces results.

>poll end [Channel]

Channel ‒ optional; channel where the poll is taking place, uses current channel if omitted
Also as poll stop

poll results – Checks results of a running poll.

>poll results [Channel]

Channel ‒ optional; channel where the poll is taking place, uses current channel if omitted
Also as poll result

vote – Votes in a poll.

>vote Answer...

Answer ‒ answer number or a bit of the answer text

>vote 1
>vote yes


Automatic reactions to messages and custom commands.

reactions add – Adds a reaction.

>reactions add Trigger Response...

If you add multiple reactions with the same trigger, one will be randomly chosen each time.

>reactions add "hi bot" beep boop
Also as reaction add

reactions edit – Edits a reaction.

>reactions edit IdOrTrigger Response...

IdOrTrigger ‒ the reaction trigger or ID from reactions list
Response ‒ the new response
Also as reaction edit

reactions rename – Changes the trigger of a reaction.

>reactions rename IdOrTrigger Trigger...

IdOrTrigger ‒ the reaction trigger or ID from reactions list
Trigger ‒ the new trigger
Also as reaction rename

reactions remove – Removes a reaction.

>reactions remove IdOrTrigger...

IdOrTrigger ‒ the reaction trigger or ID from reactions list
Also as reaction remove

reactions clear – Removes all reactions.

>reactions clear
Also as reaction clear

reactions list – Lists all reactions.

>reactions list

reactions search – Shows all reactions containing a given word.

>reactions search SearchString...

SearchString ‒ one or more words of the trigger or response
Also as reaction search

reactions stats – Shows how many times reactions have been used.

>reactions stats [IdOrTrigger...]

IdOrTrigger ‒ optional; the reaction trigger or ID; shows all reactions if omitted
Also as reactions top

reactions export – Exports all reactions into a file.

>reactions export

reactions import – Adds all reactions from a file.

>reactions import

Attach a file with reactions obtained with reactions export. Expected format:

Alternative format (doesn't allow duplicates):

reactions set manager – Sets an optional role that allows users to manage the reactions.

>reactions set manager [RoleNameOrID...]

Users with this role will be able to manage the reactions, in addition to users with the Manage Messages privilege.

Use without parameters to disable.

Raid protection

Protect your server against raiders.

raid protection enable – Protects the server against raids.

>raid protection enable LogChannel...

LogChannel ‒ a channel that will recieve notifications about performed actions

Upon enabling this feature, the bot will automatically delete obviously malicious messages and warn or mute offending users. The default rules are set up to only affect obvious raiders.
Also as raid-protection enable

raid protection disable – Disables raid protection.

>raid protection disable

Does not erase your current rules.
Also as raid-protection disable

raid protection rules – Displays active raid protection rules.

>raid protection rules
Also as raid-protection rules

raid protection set max offenses – Sets how many violations of a rule may happen before the user gets muted.

>raid protection set max offenses RuleName MaxOffenseCount

RuleName ‒ name of one of the rules from the raid protection rules command
MaxOffenseCount ‒ maximum number of offenses for this rule before the user gets muted
Also as raid-protection rules

raid protection blacklist add – Adds one or more blacklisted phrases.

>raid protection blacklist add Phrases

Phrases ‒ one or more phrases separated by spaces

Use the * wildcard before or after the phrase to also match longer phrases. For example, darn* also matches darnit. Matching is not case sensitive.

Messages that match any of these phrases will be handled according to the PhraseBlacklist rule (default: the offending message will be deleted and upon commiting 3 offenses within 5 minutes the offending user will be muted).

>raid protection blacklist add darn*
>raid protection blacklist add "fudge nugget" *dang

raid protection blacklist remove – Removes one or more blacklisted phrases.

>raid protection blacklist remove Phrases

Phrases ‒ one or more phrases separated by spaces

>raid protection blacklist remove darn*
>raid protection blacklist remove "fudge nugget" *dang

raid protection blacklist clear – Removes all phrases from the blacklist.

>raid protection blacklist clear

raid protection blacklist list – Shows all blacklisted phrases.

>raid protection blacklist list

Greet & Bye

Greet members that join your server.

greet text – Sets a text greeting message.

>greet text Channel Message...

Channel ‒ a channel that will receive the messages
Message ‒ the greeting message

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders in the greeting message.

greet embed – Sets an embed greeting message.

>greet embed Channel [Color] [Image] Body...

Channel ‒ a channel or thread that will receive the messages
Color ‒ optional; hex code of a color (e.g. #09A5BC)
Image ‒ optional; link to an image
Body ‒ body of the greeting message

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders in the message.

greet embed set title – Customize a title for your greeting embed message.

>greet embed set title [Text...]

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders.
Use without parameters to hide the title.

greet embed set footer – Customize a footer for your greeting embed message.

>greet embed set footer [Text...]

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders.
Use without parameters to hide the footer.

greet embed set text – Customize plain text for your greeting embed message.

>greet embed set text [Text...]

Text ‒ optional; text that will show above the embed

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders.
Use without parameters to hide the text.

greet test – Sends a sample greeting message in this channel.

>greet test

greet disable – Disables greeting messages.

>greet disable

Say goodbye to members that leave your server.

bye text – Sets a text goodbye message.

>bye text Channel Message...

Channel ‒ a channel that will receive the messages
Message ‒ the goodbye message

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders in the goodbye message.

bye embed – Sets an embed greeting message.

>bye embed Channel [Color] [Image] Body...

Channel ‒ a channel or thread that will receive the messages
Color ‒ optional; hex code of a color (e.g. #09A5BC)
Image ‒ optional; link to an image
Body ‒ body of the goodbye message

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders in the message.

bye embed set title – Customize a title for your goodbye embed message.

>bye embed set title [Text...]

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders.
Use without parameters to hide the title.

bye embed set footer – Customize a footer for your goodbye embed message.

>bye embed set footer [Text...]

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders.
Use without parameters to hide the footer.

bye embed set text – Customize plain text for your goodbye embed message.

>bye embed set text [Text...]

Text ‒ optional; text that will show above the embed

You can use {mention}, {name}, {fullname}, {id}, {server}, and {membercount} placeholders.
Use without parameters to hide the text.

bye test – Sends a sample goodbye message in this channel.

>bye test

bye disable – Disables goodbye messages.

>bye disable


Give roles to all members automatically.

autorole add – Assign a role automatically upon joining.

>autorole add RoleNameOrID...
Also as autoroles add

autorole remove – Remove an automatically assigned role.

>autorole remove RoleNameOrID...
Also as autoroles remove

autorole list – Lists all automatically assigned roles.

>autorole list
Also as autoroles list

autorole apply – Assigns the current automatic roles to everyone.

>autorole apply

May take a while to complete.
Also as autoroles apply

autorole check – Checks for users who are missing an automatic role.

>autorole check
Also as autoroles check


Let users choose their own roles – please check out the guide.

roles set channel – Sets a channel for role self-assignment.

>roles set channel Channel...

roles toggle clearing – Toggles automatic clearing of role channel.

>roles toggle clearing

Disabled by default.
Also as roles clearing

roles toggle persistence – Restore self-assignable roles upon rejoining the server.

>roles toggle persistence

Toggle. All self-assignable roles the user had upon leaving will be reapplied if they rejoin. The feature had to be turned on when the user left for it to function.
Also as roles persistence

roles create – Creates a new self-assignable role.

>roles create Name...

Name ‒ what to name the role which will be created

Any user can then assign this role to themselves by typing its name or alias (without any prefix) in the channel set by the roles channel command. The role can be also self-removed by typing - followed by its name or alias (eg. -Solar).

>roles create Solar
Also as role create

roles add – Makes one or more existing roles self-assignable.

>roles add RoleNamesOrIDs...

RoleNamesOrIDs ‒ names or IDs of the roles you want to make self-assignable

Any user can then assign this role to themselves by typing its name or alias (without any prefix) in the channel set by the roles channel command. The role can be also self-removed by typing - followed by its name or alias (eg. -Solar).

Roles are not case sensitive, but roles with matching casing get assigned before others.

>roles add Solar
>roles add Solar Wheein "Stream Squad"

Also as role add

roles remove – Removes one or more self-assignable roles.

>roles remove RoleNamesOrIDs...

RoleNamesOrIDs ‒ names or IDs of the roles that will no longer be self-assignable

Does not delete the roles.
Also as role remove

roles list – Lists all self-assignable roles.

>roles list
Also as role list

roles alias add – Adds an alias for a self-assignable role.

>roles alias add RoleNameOrID Alias...

RoleNameOrID ‒ A currently self-assignable role
Alias ‒ An alias that can be used to assign this role instead

>roles alias add Solar Yeba
Also as role alias add

roles alias remove – Removes an alias.

>roles alias remove RoleNameOrID Alias...

RoleNameOrID ‒ A currently self-assignable role
Alias ‒ The alias to remove

>roles alias remove Solar Yeba
Also as role alias remove

roles set secondary – Sets a primary-secondary bias role pair.

>roles set secondary PrimaryRoleNameOrID SecondaryRoleNameOrID

Marks a role as a primary bias role and links it with a secondary role. If a user already has any primary bias role assigned, then the bot will assign this secondary role instead. This means that the first bias role a user sets will be their primary. After that, any other bias role they assign will become secondary. They may change their primary bias by removing the primary bias and assigning a new one.

If you run:
>roles add Solar
>roles add Wheein
>roles set secondary Solar .Solar
>roles set secondary Wheein .Wheein

Then typing this in the role channel:

Will result in the user having a primary Solar role and a secondary .Wheein role.

>roles set secondary Solar .Solar
Also as role set secondary

roles stats – Server roles statistics.

>roles stats [all]

all ‒ optional; include non-assignable roles
Also as role stats or bias stats

roles disable – Disables role self-assignment.

>roles disable

Your configured roles will not get deleted. To enable again, use roles set channel.
Also as roles channel reset

Use groups to limit the number of roles a user may have.

roles group add – Adds one or more roles into a group.

>roles group add GroupName Roles...

GroupName ‒ name of the group
Roles ‒ one or more roles (names or IDs) that will be added to the group

All the provided roles must be self-assignable (added with roles add or roles create).

>roles group add primaries solar wheein moonbyul hwasa
Also as role group add

roles group remove – Removes one or more roles from a group.

>roles group remove GroupName Roles...

GroupName ‒ name of the group
Roles ‒ one or more roles (names or IDs) that will be removed from the group

>roles group remove primaries solar wheein moonbyul hwasa
Also as role group remove

roles group clear – Removes all roles from a group.

>roles group clear GroupName

GroupName ‒ name of the group
Also as role group clear

roles group set limit – Sets a limit on how many roles can be assigned from a given group.

>roles group set limit GroupName Limit

GroupName ‒ name of the group created with roles group add
Limit ‒ the limit; put 0 for no limit

>roles group set limit primaries 1
Also as role group set limit


Helps with server administration.

say – Sends a specified message.

>say TargetChannel [Message...]

TargetChannel ‒ a channel that will receive the message
Message ‒ optional; the message to be sent (you may also include one attachment)

say embed – Sends an embed message.

>say embed TargetChannel EmbedDescription...

TargetChannel ‒ a channel that will receive the message
EmbedDescription ‒ description of the embed, see below for info

Example of the embed description:
Title: your title

Author: author name (a sub-title)

Author Link: link to make the author name clickable

Author Icon: image link to show a small icon next to author

Image: image link to show an image at the bottom

Thumbnail: image link to show a small image at the top right

Color: hex code of a color, e.g. #91e687

Description: description text
which can be on multiple lines

Footer: your footer text

Footer Icon: image link to show a small icon in the footer

Field (title of a field): text of a field
which can also be on multiple lines

Field (another field's title): another field's text

Inline Field (title of an inlined field): text of an inlined field
There can be multiple fields.
Everything except for description is optional.

read – Reads the content and formatting of a specified message.

>read MessageId...

MessageId ‒ ID or message link

read embed – Reads the description of an embed.

>read embed MessageId...

MessageId ‒ ID or message link

edit – Edits a message sent by the say command.

>edit MessageId Message...

MessageId ‒ a message previously sent by the say command
Message ‒ the message to send

edit embed – Edits an embed message.

>edit embed MessageId EmbedDescription...

MessageId ‒ an ID or link to the edited message
EmbedDescription ‒ description of the embed, see below for info

Example of the embed description:
Title: your title

Author: author name (a sub-title)

Author Link: link to make the author name clickable

Author Icon: image link to show a small icon next to author

Image: image link to show an image at the bottom

Thumbnail: image link to show a small image at the top right

Color: hex code of a color, e.g. #91e687

Description: description text
which can be on multiple lines

Footer: your footer text

Footer Icon: image link to show a small icon in the footer

Field (title of a field): text of a field
which can also be on multiple lines

Field (another field's title): another field's text

Inline Field (title of an inlined field): text of an inlined field
There can be multiple fields.
Everything except for description is optional.

mute – Mutes a server member.

>mute User [Reason...]

User ‒ a server member to be muted (mention or ID)
Reason ‒ optional; reason

unmute – Unmutes a server member.

>unmute User

User ‒ a server member to be unmuted (mention or ID)

ban – Bans one or more users.

>ban [Reason] [DeleteDays] Users

Reason ‒ optional; reason for the ban
DeleteDays ‒ optional; number of days of messages to delete (max 7)
Users ‒ up to 10 user mentions or IDs

>ban raiders 318911554194243585 318903497502228482
>ban troll 7 @Troll
>ban "picture spam" @Spammer

autoban – Prevent users matching the specified criteria from joining your server.

>autoban LogChannel NameRegex

LogChannel ‒ a channel that will receive autoban notifications
NameRegex ‒ users with a name matching this regular expression will be automatically banned

For testing of regular expressions you can use Expressions ignore upper and lower case.

>autoban "weird dude.*"

autoban disable – Disable automatic bans.

>autoban disable

roles – Lists all roles on the server with their IDs.



Log deleted messages and other events.

log messages – Sets a channel for logging of deleted messages.

>log messages Channel

Channel ‒ a channel or thread for the logs

log messages disable – Disables logging of deleted messages.

>log messages disable

log prefix filter add – Filters out deleted messages starting with a given prefix (e.g. bot commands).

>log prefix filter add Prefix...

Prefix ‒ messages that start with this won't be logged

log prefix filter remove – Removes a filtered prefix for deleted messages.

>log prefix filter remove Prefix...

Prefix ‒ messages that start with this will be logged again

log prefix filter clear – Clears all filtered prefixes for deleted messages.

>log prefix filter clear

log prefix filter list – Shows all filtered prefixes for deleted messages.

>log prefix filter list

log channel filter add – Excludes one or more channels from logging of deleted messages.

>log channel filter add [Channels]

Channels ‒ optional; deleted messages from these channels or threads won't be logged anymore

log channel filter remove – Removes a channel filter for deleted messages.

>log channel filter remove [Channels]

Channels ‒ optional; deleted messages from these channels or threads will be logged again

log channel filter list – Shows all channels filtered out from logging of deleted messages.

>log channel filter list


Find various information about users and servers.

avatar – Shows a big version of a user's avatar.

>avatar [Type] [User...]

Type ‒ optional; use global to display the user's global profile avatar
User ‒ optional; a user ID or a mention; shows your own avatar if not specified
Also as av

banner – Shows a big version of a user's banner.

>banner [User...]

User ‒ optional; a user ID or a mention; shows your own banner if not specified

user – Shows information about a server member.

>user [User...]

User ‒ optional; a user ID or a mention; shows your own info if not specified
Also as uinfo or userinfo

server – Shows information about the server.

Also as sinfo or serverinfo

server banner – Shows the server banner.

>server banner